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Welcome to the Long Island Walkers Club Home Page
The Long Island Walkers Club, originally founded as the New York Walkers Club in 1979 by Coach Jake Jacobson, promotes the health benefits of walking. The group welcomes any adult who would like to walk with others and enjoy the benefits of walking. Members are encouraged to set walking times and distance goals in order to further benefit from their walking exercise.

Members may, if they choose, learn to race walk and participate in judged race walks as members of the Long Island Walkers race walk team.

Long Island Walkers meet every Saturday morning at Eisenhower, Nassau County, Long Island, near the Field House at 8 am. You may join the group at any Sautrday morning meeting.

Casual stretching prior to and after the approximate one hour walk is offered by a group leader.

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Some of Our Club Members

Send an email to the Club President Joel Bernstein

Club Mailing Address:


P.O. Box 505

East Meadow, NY 11554

See Photo Gallery Pages